NovaGPS provides manual or automatic setting of time and location from consumer-grade (or better) GPS receivers. NovaGPS is not the same as Dr. Tom Clark's Totally Accurate Clock because NovaGPS does not require a specialized GPS receiver or modification to other GPS receivers.
Instead, NovaGPS offers accuracy to better than 0.5 seconds using off-the-shelf GPS receivers such as the Garmin GPS-38, GPS-45, etc. Any GPS receiver with NMEA 0183 output will work with NovaGPS.
NovaGPS may be run stand-alone from the Windows '95 desktop or it may be called from the main menu of within Nova for Windows 32 or Orbcomm View. If NovaGPS is called from NfW32 it will automatically update the latitude & longitude of Nova's AutoTracking Observer.
Main features:
-No modifications required to GPS receiver
-Needs only industry-standard NMEA 0183 output
-Accuracy to less than 0.5 seconds
-Keeps computer clock accurate for high-performance satellite tracking
-use it just once for setting main ground station's location
-use NovaGPS continuously for mobile satellite station
-writes to data file and/or to Nova for Windows' AutoTracking Observer